Being single is underrated. All the praise is bestowed upon its counterpart-Being in love! Yes, love is a beautiful thing, it cultivates your soul, makes you a better person, and blah blah, but not everyone is lucky enough to find a perfect soulmate. And, being in a relationship doesn’t always mean you are the happiest person in the world too. Plus, the number of responsibilities you have to share with your partner, the constant need to please them and not let them down. All this sounds too much, right? Now, thank your lucky stars that you are single!
Being single is like unlocking a bonus level in a game, where you don’t have to worry about anything, you just roam around and explore new things. So if you’re single and not ready to mingle, then check these 5 things, you should do to enjoy your singlehood.
Connect With Friends and Family
When you’re in a relationship, your friends and family are the ones who feel the most neglected. Recall all the times when you hung up on your bestie. Perhaps, the first thing you need is to reconnect with your old pals. Throw a big warm-up party, arrange a dinner, plan something special for your parents’ anniversary or make that long-awaited call to your brother. These small gestures will make your family feel that you care for them and you’ve not forgotten about them.
Travel and Explore
There’s no better time to plan a solo trip than when you’re single. You have all the freedom in the world, you don’t have a nagging significant other deciding things for you. Be your own travel planner and go on a globetrotting adventure. Don’t just visit the famous tourist attractions, do something different, push yourself and explore unknown places, hidden beneath the maps. If you don’t feel so confident about a solo international trip, then you can explore your local city too. Who knows what undiscovered gem you might find?!
Do something that you love
Take this opportunity of being single and invest your time in doing something that you love. It could be anything. A long-forgotten arts hobby. A karate lesson! Or, maybe take a leap and go for that one audition for an acting role. Don’t have a hobby or a hidden talent? Then do something that makes you happy, like volunteering at an old-age shelter, teaching underprivileged children, or anything. The choices are plenty but the rule is simple- don’t get bored!
Have Fun
Who says you can’t have fun when you’re single? Stop beating yourself down and get out there. Watch a movie, take yourself out to a nice dinner, or pamper yourself with a spa or massage. Bing-watch on that TV series that your friend recommended months ago. Playing your favorite sports can be a great stress buster too, especially when you’re feeling the blues of being single.
Reinvention is Key
You are perfect just the way you are! However, there’s always room for improvement. Now that you’re single, you are a free bird and you don’t have your pesky partner anymore. Get a new haircut, chop those long locks and go crazy. Join a gym or a yoga class and get fit. If you want a change from the inside then join a support group and get deep with your soul. Change is always better! It could be a small change or a more significant change like moving out to a new place.
The next time you feel sad watching a romantic movie or sitting next to your friend while they enjoy an intense PDA session, just remember that you only get one life, and being single doesn’t mean the end of the world. The possibilities of having fun are infinite, you just have to choose your own happiness!