5 Exotic Themed Cafes in Delhi-NCR
One can’t deny the fact that Delhi’s love for food is imperishable and every now and then, many new astonishing and stupefying cafes and restaurants keep popping up in our National Capital. The earlier “Sit…
One can’t deny the fact that Delhi’s love for food is imperishable and every now and then, many new astonishing and stupefying cafes and restaurants keep popping up in our National Capital. The earlier “Sit…
Being single is underrated. All the praise is bestowed upon its counterpart-Being in love! Yes, love is a beautiful thing, it cultivates your soul, makes you a better person, and blah blah, but not everyone…
Without a doubt, “I’ll WhatsApp you,” is the most spoken phrase in today’s world. And have you ever thought of expressing your love on WhatsApp in a creative way? Yes, our partner always loves the…
“Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing to explain it.” We have all been perplexed by love and its mysterious nature and I have been in turmoil recently like so many of you…
Many of us must have had situations where our work engagement would have kept us away from giving full attention to our partner, family, and kids. It could be a work problem, a situation with…
F ire is a burning reminder of our own will and creative power while the Earth holds us firm and together on the ground. Earth and Fire share a volcanic as well as an intrusive…
By now we all have seen the trailer of “Half girlfriend” which is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy based on the novel by the same name Written by Chetan Bhagat, the word half girlfriend is…